Timothy S. Allen

Beth Savidge

Peri Hoke

Diane Mohar

Alan Fishleder

Alan Fishleder

Alan Lee

The Art & Ag Project cultivates a dialogue between artists, farmers, and the community to raise awareness about the importance of preserving farmlands and the visual arts in Yolo County. A nationally recognized creative place making project, Art & Ag has invited farmers to open their land to local artists, providing unique opportunities to capture private landscapes that would otherwise remain inaccessible and unseen.

Each month, artists visit a different farm where they can meet the farm owners, paint en plein air, or take photographs. Each Fall, artists are invited to exhibit their agriculturally–inspired artwork at YoloArts' annual Art Farm Gala.

Farm Visit Dates

Monticello Farming
February 27th & March 1st

Artist Farm Visit Agreement

Welcome to the Art & Ag Project Artist Mailing List. When you sign up to receive monthly farm visit invitations you are being afforded the privilege of visiting privately owned farms, many of which also include private homes.

Here are a few guidelines to ensure a safe and respectful visit. When visiting a farm, you agree to the following:

  • To ONLY visit the farm during stated days and between the hours of 8am-12pm listed on the invite.
  • To drive slowly on approved roads and park only in designated areas.
  • To explore ONLY the areas outlined in the farm visit invite and not approach private residences and off-limit areas.
  • To always be mindful of your surroundings and leave no trace behind.
  • No pets allowed on the farm visits.

Thank you for your commitment to being a respectful visitor and we look forward to seeing you on the farm!

Rodger Wasson of Farm to Table Talk Interviews Alison Flory about the Art & Ag project.


For more information about the Art & Ag Project contact YoloArts' Education Director, Jenna Harris.

Special thanks to our program partners The Yolo Land Trust and Yolo Farm to Fork.

Art & Ag May 2024, Center for Land Based Learning

In May, Art & Ag had the privilege of visiting the  Center for Land Based Learning. The farm was bustling with lots of spring activity including planting hedgerows and olive trees, native plants blooming and bringing out all the pollinators, and several Bluebird nests with babies in them! For 30 years, the Center for Land … Continued

Art & Ag March 2024, Abele Farms

Three Generations on Abele Farms. MaryJo Giovannetti, Lucas Holleron (son), Adele Daily (mother). Photographer Bryan Wysong   In March, Art & Ag artists enjoyed all the elements from sunny skies to rain clouds! Our thanks to MaryJo Giovannetti for hosting and letting us explore the historic barns and rolling hills of their farm. The stunning … Continued

Art & Ag February 2024, Mariani Nut Company, Winters

  The Art & Ag Project started off a new year with an exclusive tour of the Mariani Nut Company at their Buckeye facility in Winters. Many  thanks to their hosts and tour guides, Kristen Holden, Senior Brand Manager; Austin Calvert, Project Planner; and Lacey De La Torre, Projects Coordinator.           … Continued

Art & Ag August, Pollock Farm, Woodland

  Visiting Pollock Farm is a step back into the early and exciting times of California’s first years as a state. After entering the driveway lined with decades-old olive trees artists arrived at the home and headquarters of this historic farm which includes the original Wells Fargo Express building for Yolo County.   The structure … Continued

Art Farm Exhibition Opens September 14 at The Barn Gallery

In its 16th year, YoloArts’ Art & Ag Project celebrates the landscape of Yolo County farms, and art created and inspired by them. The Art Farm Exhibition features works of art cultivated during this season’s artist visits to local farms and farmlands in Yolo County. The exhibition opens to the public with a reception on … Continued

Art & Ag June 2023, La Tourangelle, Woodland

    A visit to LaTourangelle took Art & Ag artists to a property that combines the old, the new, and the sustainable. Located just outside Woodland city limits this artisanal oil production facility also features a regenerative edible garden dedicated to community use. .      . Twenty years ago, Christine Polycarpe and Matthieu … Continued

Art & Ag May 2023, Capay Valley Lavender, Capay

  Last time Art & Ag visited Sherri Wood’s Capay Valley Lavender Farm we were just coming out of COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders. What a difference three years makes. Shortly after our last visit, the English lavender fell victim to a virulent fungus and Sherri lost 80% of her crop—3,000 plants. She was devastated. “I had … Continued

Art & Ag April 2023, Yolo Land and Cattle, Esparto

Artists had the privilege and delight of visiting the beautiful Yolo Land and Cattle in April. After entering the big metal gate onto the property, artists were greeted owners Scott and Karen Stone on Thursday, and Casey Stone on Saturday. Both days they were also welcomed by a group of friendly horses who grazed near … Continued

Art & Ag March 2023, SH Merwin and Sons, Clarksburg

  In March, artists visited the Carden Ranch of S H Merwin and Sons, a longtime farming family in the area. The Merwins settled on land that features sloughs, open fields, and access to the 200-foot-wide Sacramento Deep Water Ship Channel. The 30-mile-long Channel, built in 1964, joins the port in W. Sacramento to the … Continued

Art & Ag February 2023, Barrios Farms, Zamora

  Art & Ag kicked off our farm visits in 2023 with a visit to Barrios Farms in  Zamora to experience the first almond blossoms of the season. This 150 acre orchard sits high on a hill and looks down upon a vista of green hills and valleys that stretch away on all sides. “From … Continued

Art Farm Exhibition Opens September 14 at The Barn Gallery

In its 15th year, YoloArts’ Art & Ag Project celebrates the landscape of Yolo County farms, and art created on farms. The Art Farm Exhibition features works of art cultivated during the 2022 season of artist visits to local farms and farmlands in Yolo County. This year marks a milestone for the Art & Ag … Continued

Art & Ag June 2022, Pheasant Trek Ranch, Woodland

      Mother and daughter duo, Mercedes Danekas-Lohse and Sherry Danekas, along with Mercedes’ husband Matt Lohse, own and operate Pheasant Trek Ranch in Woodland. Perched at the top of a rise and nestled in between a 1500 acre olive orchard, Pheasant Trek looks out onto a spectacular vista of the wide open farmlands … Continued

Art & Ag May 2022, M Three Ranches, Woodland

“I appreciate my property more when I can share it with people so they can see what we worked so hard to create.” says Frank Muller, of M Three Ranches and Art & Ag committee member for the last ten years. (His wife, Nancy Muller, is our beloved Thursday greeter for our monthly farm visits) … Continued

Art & Ag April 2022, Full Belly Farm, Guinda

It’s hard to believe it’s been over 10 years since Art & Ag last visited Full Belly Farm. Lots has happened since then. They now have a certified kitchen and a new event center, for example. But some things remain the same. Full Belly continues to be a busy, working 400-acre gem of a farm … Continued

Art & Ag March 2022, Slaven Ranch, Zamora

For the last 25+ years Slaven Ranch has hosted The Zamora Hills Sheepdog Trial. This year, Art & Ag artists were invited to visit during this annual competition. Peggy Wines, daughter of Bill Slaven, who passed away in 2013, explains how the tradition got started. “My parents watched their first sheepdog trial while on vacation … Continued

Art & Ag February 2022, Rominger Brothers Farms, Winters

      Art & Ag starts off a new year of farm visits at Rominger Brothers Farms in Winters. This sprawling property in the foothills of the Coast Range has been in the Rominger family for five generations. .      Once past the majestic metal gate one feels a sense of yesteryear on … Continued

Art & Ag October 2021, Grindstone Winery, Esparto

         As we head into Fall, it comes as something of a surprise to see rows of young bright green vines as you enter the new Grindstone Wines’ Vineyards and Tasting Room.The 8 varietals were planted only 4 months ago and are still being irrigated to gain root strength as we head … Continued

Art & Ag September 2021 – Capay Canyon Ranch, Esparto

  Capay Canyon Ranch is a mixture of the old and new. Situated on 400 acres in Esparto, the ranch dates back to the early 1960s when Tobin Barth’s grandfather – a row crop grower who wanted to diversify into trees – bought the property. In 1972, Tobin’s parents split off from the partnership and began to farm the orchards themselves.   … Continued

Art & Ag August 2021 – Pine Trails Ranch, Davis

    In August, Art & Ag artists visited Pine Trails Horse Ranch in Davis. “This is good horse country” says Michelle Haseltine, who ought to know. She and her husband Matt, have owned and operated the 21-acre Ranch for the last 30 years. “Pine Trails is one of the busiest year-round lesson facilities you’ll … Continued

Art Farm Exhibition Opens September 9 at the Barn Gallery

In its 14th year, YoloArts’ Art and Agriculture Project celebrates the landscape of Yolo County farms, and art created on farms. The Art Farm Exhibition features work cultivated during the 10-month season of artist visits to local farms and farmlands in Yolo County. This year’s exhibition opens to the public with a reception on September … Continued

Art & Ag July 2021- Clos Cavanis Farm, Woodland

  In July Art & Ag artists visited Clos Cavanis Farm in Woodland. Preserving history is important to Van and Catherine Overhouse. That explains why they spent the last two decades bringing their 1868 Victorian Italianate home back to life. It was a demanding project, scraping the old paint and repairing the damaged wood in … Continued

June Art & Ag 2021 – Elkhorn Basin Ranch, West Sacramento

    In June, Art & Ag artists visited over 400 continuous acres of sunflowers at Elkhorn Basin Ranch.  When they last visited Elkhorn Basin Ranch in 2018, it had just begun to recover from a devastating flood that ruined 90% of their mature walnut orchards. Now, three years later, sunflowers represent a rebirth for … Continued

May Art & Ag 2021 – Citrona Farms, Winters

  When you drive up the road to Citrona Farms, you know you are in for something special. This 480-acre farm, named for one of the original valley train stops, has been consciously cultivated into a thriving walnut orchard for more than 30 years. Owners Daniel Hrdy and his wife Sarah B. Hrdy – both … Continued

April Art & Ag 2021 – Hungry Hollow Ranch

  Jordan Fricke, Hungry Hollow Ranch, 2021 Art & Ag Farm Visit Host Photography by: Charles McDonald “The best part of my job is being able to wake up every day and see the beautiful landscapes of all of our properties. And watching all of our hard work pay off as we transform a piece … Continued

March Art & Ag 2021 – Oliver Farms

  Art & Ag’s visit to Oliver Farms was like stepping back in time to a place that tells the story of the farm long before Sally Oliver moved there over half a century ago. Born and raised in Woodland, Sally married her husband George right out of high school. When George returned from the … Continued

February 2021 Art & Ag – Rominger Farms

  Over 60 artists enjoyed creating artwork among the almond blossoms at the first farm visit of the year at Rominger Farms, nestled just north of the Yolo/Colusa County Line.                 One of the benefits of this job is enjoying the blossoms,” says 6th generation farmer Scott Rominger … Continued

June Art & Ag – Harrison Farms

The Art & Ag project has resumed monthly farm visits!  YoloArts is grateful to our farming partners for opening up their land where artists can learn, explore, and find inspiration. Special thanks to our June Art & Ag hosts, Karen and Mark Harrison owners of Harrison Farms in Woodland.  Here are some highlights from our … Continued

Yolo County Crop Signs

Have you ever wondered what crops are growing as you drive along the freeway in Yolo? Art & Ag Project partner, Anna Fricke, does too.  Thus began Art & Ag’s latest project, Yolo County Crop Signs.  For the last several months, Anna has worked with the Art & Ag committee to conceptualize, plan and begin … Continued

Connecting Students to Art & Nature

Each year YoloArts’ Art & Ag Project awards two Yolo County elementary school teachers a Dorothy Peterson Arts Grant to fund an agriculturally-inspired art lesson in their classroom. Janice Purnell, YoloArts’ Creative Director, checked in with one of this year’s recipients Karyn Schnaible, 4th/5th grade at Dingle Elementary in Woodland, and Art and Ag Project … Continued

A Look at Garcia Farms Two Years After the Flood

In 2017 the Elkhorn Ranch, which is located along the Sacramento River and Yolo Bypass, was hit hard by floodwaters from the Oroville Dam spillover.  The Art & Ag Project had the privilege of visiting this walnut orchard in May 2018 when the last remnants of the upturned walnut trees still dotted the landscape. Elkhorn … Continued

Dorothy Peterson Arts Grant Winner Announced

A Dingle Elementary School teacher and classroom was the winner of a $200 Dorothy Peterson Arts Grant. Karyn Schnaible, 4th/5th grade teacher, submitted her “Handmade Paper” art lesson which engages students in the harvest of cotton and flowers from the school’s garden. “We hope this project will inspire the students to investigate their environment, learn … Continued

Art Farm Exhibition Opens October 4 at Gallery 625

In its 12th year, YoloArts’ Art & Ag Project continues to celebrate farms as art, and art created on farms. The Art Farm Exhibition, the annual culmination of a season of artist to farm visits, features work cultivated on local farms and inspired by the open spaces, agriculture and bounty of Yolo County. This year’s … Continued

Art Farm Exhibition Opens at Gallery 625

In its 11th year, YoloArts’ Art and Agriculture Project continues to celebrate farms as art, and art created on farms. The Art Farm Exhibition features work cultivated on Yolo County farms during the February – October season of artist visits. This year’s exhibition opens on October 5 at Gallery 625 in Woodland and showcases 121 … Continued

Art Farm Exhibition Opens at Gallery 625

For ten years, YoloArts’ Art and Agriculture Project has inspired a community celebrating farms as art, and art created on farms. During this time, art has been cultivated on ninety Yolo County farms during the February – October annual season of artist visits. Each season of art culminates in the annual art show known as … Continued

Art & Ag

Sacramento Valley, Contributed by Steve Colusa and Yolo County Farmer Blair Voelz recently hosted participants in Yolo Arts “Art & Ag Project” at SB Voelz Farms located on the Colusa County side of County Line Road in Dunnigan. Artists had the opportunity to visit the diversified operation on two different days. The purpose of this … Continued

Bringing Art Where It Isn’t

Danielle Whitmore, YoloArts’ executive director, tells a story about a student named Diana. When Diana — a pseudonym — was a student in a local continuation school, she wouldn’t even get out of bed to attend classes. It wasn’t that she was lazy. She was uncomfortable in school and had low self-confidence. It was only when she started … Continued

From Field to Canvas YoloArts’ Art and Ag Project

Frank Muller has agriculture in his blood. He was raised on a farm, and now runs Muller Ranch in Yolo County, California, northwest of Sacramento, with his two brothers, son, and nephew. The ranch boasts several thousand acres of walnut groves, sunflowers, vineyards, tomato fields, almond trees, and pepper plants. But despite his close ties with the landscape and all it produces, … Continued

America’s Heartland: Art & Agriculture

From the wheat fields of South Dakota to the ranch lands of Colorado, artists have provided iconic images of America’s rural landscape. Today, one rural community in northern California is providing a unique opportunity for artists to come out to the farm. Yolo County’s “Arts & Ag” program invites artists and photographers to farms and … Continued

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